Marijuana Dispensaries in Utica

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Utica?

No. Utica is not home to any of the recreational cannabis dispensaries licensed to operate in New York State. Cannabis is legal in the city in accordance with the S854-A bill passed in March 2021.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Utica?

No. There are no medical marijuana retail stores in Utica. While medical marijuana and the sale of medical marijuana products have been legalized in New York State, no retailer has been approved to locate in the City of Utica.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Utica?

There are no cannabis dispensaries in Utica. However, Utica residents can purchase cannabis online from other New York State locations for delivery to their doorsteps in Utica.

Visiting a Dispensary in Utica

You cannot visit a dispensary in Utica as there are presently no weed retail stores in the city. However, if retail stores are located in the city in the future, you will need to bring your New York medical marijuana registry ID card and medical cannabis certification to buy medical cannabis. If you visit a recreational cannabis retail store in the city, you will need a valid government-issued ID to prove you are 21 or older.

Utica Dispensary Laws

Dispensaries looking to operate in the City of Utica in the future must comply with state operational requirements. The requirements include the following:

  • Dispensaries must scan the IDs of visitors before allowing them to buy cannabis. Sales may only be made to adults aged 21 or older for recreational cannabis. Medical marijuana dispensaries may only sell medical marijuana to persons with valid registrations as medical marijuana patients in New York State or their designated caregivers

  • Dispensaries may not sell beyond the stipulated possession limits to buyers

  • Cannabis consumption at dispensaries is only allowed at dispensaries with valid on-site consumption licenses

  • No dispensary may sell cannabis unless such businesses have active licenses from the New York Office of Cannabis Management

Recreational Laws in Utica

Although you cannot buy weed for recreational use in Utica due to the absence of adult-use cannabis dispensaries, weed is legal in the city under the New York Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA). According to the MRTA, it is legal for any individual aged 21 or older to buy, possess, and consume recreational weed in Utica. Under the MRTA, it is illegal to sell or give cannabis to anyone under 21. The following are also legal under the MRTA:

  • The possession of 3 ounces of non-concentrated cannabis and 24 grams of concentrated cannabis, such as oils and edibles

  • Cultivating 3 mature and 3 immature cannabis plants at home. However, if two or more adults aged 21 or older live in a home, no more than 6 mature and 6 immature cannabis plants may be cultivated in the residence

  • The consumption of cannabis in a private home or in places tobacco can be used, except consumption in a motor vehicle, a private business, or on federal property

  • The sharing of cannabis between adults of legal ages under the lawful possession limit. However, the sale of a commodity or service associated with the sharing is prohibited

Pursuant to the MRTA, it is illegal to:

  • Consume cannabis in a motor vehicle or where tobacco smoking is prohibited

  • Cross state lines with cannabis, even medical cannabis

  • Selling cannabis without a license

  • Drive under the influence of cannabis

  • Consume cannabis on federal land

Medical Cannabis Laws in Utica

Utica aligns with state laws on medical cannabis. Therefore, medical cannabis is legal for certain categories of persons in the city. The state's medical cannabis law allows only individuals with health conditions determined as appropriate to be treated with medical cannabis to access medical marijuana. Note that your healthcare provider must determine that it is clinically appropriate to use medical cannabis to treat your condition. This determination will be verifiable through a signed recommendation or certification.

Persons not yet 18 with approved conditions may designate adult caregivers to purchase and administer medical cannabis on their behalf. However, the designated caregivers must register with the New York Medical Cannabis Program. A certified patient may assign up to five caregivers during the registration process. Once designated by a patient, caregivers must complete the same application process as patients and are required to possess the necessary identification.

Upon getting authorization to use medical cannabis, patients can legally possess 60-day supplies of medical marijuana and cultivate up to 3 immature and 3 mature cannabis plants for personal uses. Note that cannabis cultivation is only legal when done discreetly outside in enclosed and locked locations not accessible to the public. Also, medical cannabis and medical cannabis product purchases are only legal when done at licensed medical marijuana dispensaries or registered organizations. No consumption may happen in public places or locations where consumers may be seen.

New York medical cannabis laws restrict Utica landlords from punishing renters for engaging in legal medical cannabis operations.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Utica

If you are a resident of the City of Utica and have obtained a recommendation to use medical cannabis from an approved healthcare provider, you may apply to the Office of Medical Cannabis to get a medical marijuana card. The New York State Health Department lists approved healthcare providers on its website. Although the NYDH list is not exhaustive, only recommendations issued by approved physicians may be used to complete the registration process for a medical marijuana card.

After getting a certification for medical marijuana use, you must visit the website to create an account. Under the MCDMS tab on your profile on the website, you can commence your application by completing the required fields and uploading supporting documentation. Required documentation include:

  • Proof of Identity and age

  • Proof of residency. Temporary residents of the City of Utica may submit lease paperwork, hospital bill, or utility bill

  • Medical cannabis approval or recommendation

After your medical marijuana application is approved, you will be able to print a temporary registration card via the application portal. You can use this temporary card and a valid government-issued ID to buy medicinal cannabis from licensed medical cannabis dispensaries in New York State. Your permanent medical marijuana card will be mailed to you within two weeks.

For additional details on obtaining a medical marijuana card in the City of Utica, you can contact the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) by emailing or calling (888) 626-5151.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Utica?

Cannabis use is permitted on private property and locations where tobacco smoking is legal. It is unlawful to use cannabis where the public may be invited or in multi-unit rent apartments. Note that employers and landlords are permitted to enforce policies prohibiting impairment at workplaces and on their properties.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Utica Dispensary

There are no legal locations to buy cannabis in Utica.

The Average Price in Utica

With no entities licensed to sell weed in Utica, the average prices of cannabis strains in the city are unknown.

Most Popular Strains in Utica

You cannot purchase cannabis legally at any physical location in the city.

Can You Smoke in Public in Utica?

No. Smoking weed in public and anywhere tobacco smoking is illegal is prohibited.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Utica?

The Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act allows Utica residents aged 21 or older to have no more than 85 grams of non-concentrated cannabis or 24 grams of concentrated cannabis. Medical marijuana patients can have up to a 60-day supply of medicinal cannabis as determined by their healthcare practitioners.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Utica?

If cannabis or cannabis products are shipped across state lines into Utica, it is illegal. However, you can move cannabis from New York State locations into Utica, provided the quantities are within the permitted limits and are stored in a closed container in the trunk or a locked glove compartment of your car.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Utica?

Presently, you can only order cannabis from other New York State addresses with licensed retailers, as there are no approved cannabis retailers in Utica.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Utica?

There are currently no 24-hour dispensaries in Utica.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Utica?

There are no dispensaries in Utica open to tourists or locals.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Utica?

There are no dispensaries in the city. However, if retail stores open in the city in the future, you will need a New York medical marijuana card or a valid government ID with your date of birth to enter a Utica dispensary.

Best Dispensaries in Utica

There are no dispensaries in Utica.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Utica?

There are no marijuana dispensaries in the city.

How Many Dispensaries are in Utica?

There are presently no weed dispensaries in Utica.

Can Dispensaries in Utica Take Credit Cards?

There are no approved cannabis retail stores in Utica.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are presently no marijuana dispensaries in Utica.

Do Dispensaries in Utica Take Health Insurance?

Utica has no cannabis dispensaries.

Do Dispensaries in Utica Track How Much Weed You Buy?

No dispensaries operate presently in Utica. In accordance with state law, marijuana sales, and transactions must be logged.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Utica at Age 18?

At 18, you can only enter a medical marijuana dispensary in New York. Therefore, if a medical marijuana dispensary opens in the city, you can visit the location of the facility if you are 18.

Where Can I Find the Utica Cannabis Regulator's Contact Information?

The Office of Cannabis Management regulates cannabis activities in Utica. You may contact the OCM by emailing or calling (888) 626-5151.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Utica?

You may report illegal cannabis activities to the Utica Police Department or the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM). To contact the Utica police department, call (315) 735-3301.